Welcome to Kashmir Tourism

"Agar Firdaws baroi zameen astu , humein astu , humein astu , humein astu"

              "If there is Paradise on Earth , It is here , It is here,It is here"

Kashmir Tourism” It is said that Kashmir is as beautiful as it is diverse snow covered mountains, deep blue lakes, endless forests & lush green farmlands, which has earned it the title of being the “Paradise on Earth". Kashmir Valley is part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in north India. It has now been a tourist hot spot from decades owing to its amazing cultural diversity, the sheer beauty of the mighty Himalayas, and the green valley’s whose beauty has attracted a horde of migrants from West Asia and Central Asia down the ages. India offers diversified tourist spots and the best tourist place to travel in India is Kashmir. Tourists are attracted by the natural beauty and snowcapped mountains. Kashmir offers the variation in climatic conditions from region to region.

As they say beauty is the eyes of beholder and that is so true of the Valley. In Kashmir there is as much hidden as revealed. So the Valley has to be seen with the eyes of the soul and keeping the same in my mind triggered me to make a website on Kashmir tourism that will help me to promote such a beautiful place on earth to the outside world. Much has been heard and more things have been said about Kashmir, a jeweled crown on the map of India, a multi-faced diamond, changing its hues with seasons, always extravagantly beautiful.
Kashmir a tourist season throughout the year:  Kashmir is a land where myriad holiday ideas are realized and tourist season remains on its peak throughout the year.
Spring - which extends roughly from March to early May, is when a million blossoms carpet the ground. The weather during this time can be gloriously pleasant or chilly and windy. This is the season when Srinagar experiences rains, but the showers are brief.
Summer- extends from May until the end of August. Light woollens may be required to wear out of Srinagar. In higher altitudes night temperatures drop slightly. At this time, the whole valley is a mosaic of varying shades of green - rice fields, meadows, trees, etc. and Srinagar with its lakes and waterways is a heaven after the scorching heat of the Indian plains.
Autumn- the onset of autumn, perhaps Kashmir's loveliest season, is towards September, when green turns to gold and then to russet and red. The highest day temperatures in September are around 23oC and night temperatures dip to 10oC by October, and further drop by November, when heavy woolens are essential.
Winter- from December to the beginning of March is winter time, which presents Srinagar in yet another mood.  In winter, when snow carpets the mountains, there is skiing, tobogganing, sledge-riding, etc. along the gentle slopes. Bare, snow-covered landscapes being watched from beside the warmth of a fire is a joy that cannot be described to anyone who has not experienced it. Some houseboats and hotels remain open in winter-these are either centrally heated or heated with ‘bukharis’, a typically Kashmiri stove kept alight with embers of wood, quite effective in the winter.